Plot mean centered samples without putative outliers
Plot mean centered samples without putative outliers
A sample is deemed an outlier if, upon its removal, it is more that 3Z from the mean of the remaining. This boundary of +/-3Z is demarcated by the shaded area. Gray samples are outliers. Samples |Z| > 10 away are denoted by arrows (<<<) pointing in their direction as well as with their Z
system.file("extdata", "untidy-standard-curve.xlsx", package = "amplify") |>
pcr_tidy(pad_zero = TRUE) |>
pcr_lib_calc() |>
pcr_lib_qc() |>
#> Error in pcr_tidy(system.file("extdata", "untidy-standard-curve.xlsx", package = "amplify"), pad_zero = TRUE): could not find function "pcr_tidy"