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Create library prep quality control data





an output from pcr_lib_calc


a named list with:

  • standards Data for individual standards, including calculated dilutions, given and calculated quantities, raw Ct, etc.

  • samples Data for individual samples, including calculated concentrations, raw Ct, etc.

  • sample_summary Summary statistics for samples grouped by replicates

  • standard_summary Summary statistics for standards groupd by replicates

  • outliers Data for individual samples and standards with and without their putative outliers (po) per replicate group


While the output of this function on its own is can theoretically be used to gauge library quality, it is best used in conjunction with a function like pcr_lib_calc_report


system.file("extdata", "untidy-standard-curve.xlsx", package = "amplify") |>
  pcr_tidy(pad_zero = TRUE) |>
  pcr_lib_calc() |>
#> $standards
#> # A tibble: 13 x 19
#> # Groups:   sample_name [5]
#>    sample_name task     quantity_mean concentration quantity quant_actual   dil
#>    <chr>       <chr>            <dbl>         <dbl>    <dbl>        <dbl> <dbl>
#>  1 Standard 01 STANDARD            NA            NA 6.80         6.80      0   
#>  2 Standard 01 STANDARD            NA            NA 6.80         6.80      0   
#>  3 Standard 01 STANDARD            NA            NA 6.80         6.80      0   
#>  4 Standard 02 STANDARD            NA            NA 0.680        0.734     9.27
#>  5 Standard 02 STANDARD            NA            NA 0.680        0.734     9.27
#>  6 Standard 03 STANDARD            NA            NA 0.0680       0.0603   12.2 
#>  7 Standard 03 STANDARD            NA            NA 0.0680       0.0603   12.2 
#>  8 Standard 03 STANDARD            NA            NA 0.0680       0.0603   12.2 
#>  9 Standard 04 STANDARD            NA            NA 0.00680      0.00568  10.6 
#> 10 Standard 04 STANDARD            NA            NA 0.00680      0.00568  10.6 
#> 11 Standard 04 STANDARD            NA            NA 0.00680      0.00568  10.6 
#> 12 Standard 05 STANDARD            NA            NA 0.000680     0.000417 13.6 
#> 13 Standard 05 STANDARD            NA            NA 0.000680     0.000417 13.6 
#> # ... with 12 more variables: slope <dbl>, efficiency <dbl>, r2 <dbl>,
#> #   ct <dbl>, no_po_mean <dbl>, no_po_sd <dbl>, keep <lgl>, keep_temp <lgl>,
#> #   mean_adj <dbl>, sd_adj <dbl>, quant_adj <dbl>, z <dbl>
#> $samples
#> # A tibble: 42 x 19
#> # Groups:   sample_name [16]
#>    sample_name task    quantity_mean concentration quantity quant_actual   dil
#>    <chr>       <chr>           <dbl>         <dbl>    <dbl>        <dbl> <dbl>
#>  1 Sample 06   UNKNOWN          2.04         2039.     2.06         2.06    NA
#>  2 Sample 06   UNKNOWN          2.04         2039.     2.12         2.12    NA
#>  3 Sample 06   UNKNOWN          2.04         2039.     1.94         1.94    NA
#>  4 Sample 12   UNKNOWN          1.89         1893.     1.93         1.93    NA
#>  5 Sample 12   UNKNOWN          1.89         1893.     1.88         1.88    NA
#>  6 Sample 12   UNKNOWN          1.89         1893.     1.87         1.87    NA
#>  7 Sample 04   UNKNOWN          1.69         1694.     1.62         1.62    NA
#>  8 Sample 04   UNKNOWN          1.69         1694.     1.84         1.84    NA
#>  9 Sample 04   UNKNOWN          1.69         1694.     1.62         1.62    NA
#> 10 Sample 16   UNKNOWN          1.49         1493.     1.46         1.46    NA
#> # ... with 32 more rows, and 12 more variables: slope <dbl>, efficiency <dbl>,
#> #   r2 <dbl>, ct <dbl>, no_po_mean <dbl>, no_po_sd <dbl>, keep <lgl>,
#> #   keep_temp <lgl>, mean_adj <dbl>, sd_adj <dbl>, quant_adj <dbl>, z <dbl>
#> $sample_summary
#> # A tibble: 16 x 3
#>    sample_name quantity_mean quant_adj
#>    <chr>               <dbl>     <dbl>
#>  1 Sample 01           0.599     0.599
#>  2 Sample 02           1.05      1.05 
#>  3 Sample 03           1.37      1.39 
#>  4 Sample 04           1.69      1.62 
#>  5 Sample 05           0.903     0.888
#>  6 Sample 06           2.04      2.09 
#>  7 Sample 07           1.13      1.15 
#>  8 Sample 08           1.09      1.09 
#>  9 Sample 09           1.22      1.22 
#> 10 Sample 10           1.07      1.07 
#> 11 Sample 11           1.03      1.03 
#> 12 Sample 12           1.89      1.87 
#> 13 Sample 13           0.583     0.583
#> 14 Sample 14           1.22      1.17 
#> 15 Sample 15           0.713     0.713
#> 16 Sample 16           1.49      1.42 
#> $standard_summary
#> # A tibble: 5 x 4
#>   sample_name   dil quantity_mean quant_actual
#>   <chr>       <dbl>         <dbl>        <dbl>
#> 1 Standard 01  0         6.80         6.80    
#> 2 Standard 02  9.27      0.680        0.734   
#> 3 Standard 03 12.2       0.0680       0.0603  
#> 4 Standard 04 10.6       0.00680      0.00568 
#> 5 Standard 05 13.6       0.000680     0.000417
#> $outliers
#> # A tibble: 58 x 19
#> # Groups:   sample_name [22]
#>    sample_name task     quantity_mean concentration quantity quant_actual   dil
#>    <chr>       <chr>            <dbl>         <dbl>    <dbl>        <dbl> <dbl>
#>  1 NA          NTC                 NA            NA  NA           NA      NA   
#>  2 NA          NTC                 NA            NA  NA           NA      NA   
#>  3 NA          NTC                 NA            NA  NA           NA      NA   
#>  4 Standard 01 STANDARD            NA            NA   6.80         6.80    0   
#>  5 Standard 01 STANDARD            NA            NA   6.80         6.80    0   
#>  6 Standard 01 STANDARD            NA            NA   6.80         6.80    0   
#>  7 Standard 02 STANDARD            NA            NA   0.680        0.734   9.27
#>  8 Standard 02 STANDARD            NA            NA   0.680        0.734   9.27
#>  9 Standard 03 STANDARD            NA            NA   0.0680       0.0603 12.2 
#> 10 Standard 03 STANDARD            NA            NA   0.0680       0.0603 12.2 
#> # ... with 48 more rows, and 12 more variables: slope <dbl>, efficiency <dbl>,
#> #   r2 <dbl>, ct <dbl>, no_po_mean <dbl>, no_po_sd <dbl>, keep <lgl>,
#> #   keep_temp <lgl>, mean_adj <dbl>, sd_adj <dbl>, quant_adj <dbl>, z <dbl>