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Takes in a fresh results output from qPCR and converts it into a tidy format. Useful for downstream analyses.


pcr_tidy(file_path, pad_zero = FALSE, usr_standards = NULL)



Path to an excel file containing the results of a qPCR run.


logical. Should 'Sample 1' become 'Sample 01'?


optional numeric vector specifying standard concentrations. If not supplied, if they exist they will be guessed. See details.


A tibble


If a standards argument is not supplied AND if the experiment uses standards (ie is not a comparative Ct experiment), the standards will be guessed from the unique quantities with a 'STANDARD' task.

If standards ARE supplied, they will be matched to their nearest quantity, rounding UP. That is, if 1, .1, .01... and the actual quantities are 6.8, .68, .068..., 1 will be rounded to 6.8, .1 will be rounded to .68, etc (despite being numerically closer were they rounded down).

If standards are missing, (ie, only 1 and .01 are supplied), they will be dropped with a message. This is useful if you want to exclude an outlier sample from downstream analysis.


dat_path <- system.file("extdata", "untidy-pcr-example.xls", package = "amplify")

# Before tidying
dat_dirty <- readxl::read_excel(dat_path, sheet = "Results")
#> New names:
#> * `` -> ...3
#> * `` -> ...4
#> * `` -> ...5
#> * `` -> ...6
#> * `` -> ...7
#> * ...
dat_dirty[1:10, 1:5]
#> # A tibble: 10 x 5
#>    `Block Type`                               `384-Well Block` ...3  ...4  ...5 
#>    <chr>                                      <chr>            <chr> <chr> <chr>
#>  1 Calibration Background is expired          Yes              NA    NA    NA   
#>  2 Calibration Background performed on        01-13-2020       NA    NA    NA   
#>  3 Calibration Normalization FAM-ROX is expi~ Yes              NA    NA    NA   
#>  4 Calibration Normalization FAM-ROX perform~ 01-13-2020       NA    NA    NA   
#>  5 Calibration Normalization VIC-ROX is expi~ Yes              NA    NA    NA   
#>  6 Calibration Normalization VIC-ROX perform~ 01-13-2020       NA    NA    NA   
#>  7 Calibration Pure Dye FAM is expired        Yes              NA    NA    NA   
#>  8 Calibration Pure Dye FAM performed on      01-13-2020       NA    NA    NA   
#>  9 Calibration Pure Dye NED is expired        Yes              NA    NA    NA   
#> 10 Calibration Pure Dye NED performed on      01-13-2020       NA    NA    NA   

# After tidying
dat_clean <- pcr_tidy(dat_path)
dat_clean[1:10, 1:5]
#> # A tibble: 10 x 5
#>    well  well_position omit  sample_name target_name
#>    <chr> <chr>         <lgl> <chr>       <chr>      
#>  1 26    B2            FALSE RD1         GENE1      
#>  2 27    B3            FALSE RD1         GENE1      
#>  3 28    B4            FALSE RD1         GENE1      
#>  4 29    B5            FALSE RD1         GENE2      
#>  5 30    B6            FALSE RD1         GENE2      
#>  6 31    B7            FALSE RD1         GENE2      
#>  7 32    B8            FALSE RD1         GENE3      
#>  8 33    B9            FALSE RD1         GENE3      
#>  9 34    B10           FALSE RD1         GENE3      
#> 10 35    B11           FALSE RD1         GENE4