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Plan PCR experiment


  format = 384,
  exclude_border = TRUE,
  primer_names = NULL,
  headless = TRUE,
  has_names = TRUE



a data.frame, with samples as the first column (if has_names = TRUE) and RNA concentrations as the second (or first, if has_names = FALSE)


integer. Number of primers to be used in the experiment.


integer. 96 or 384 - the number of wells of the plate planned to be used


logical. Should the border be excluded to avoid edge effects? Default is TRUE.


character vector. Names of primers.


logical. If FALSE, return invisible and redirect to shiny application.


logical. Is the first column the names of the samples?


a named list


dummy_rna_conc |>
  pcr_plan(n_primers = 3)
#> $mm_prep
#> # A tibble: 4 x 2
#>   reagent             vol
#>   <chr>             <dbl>
#> 1 2X RT-PCR Buffer  206. 
#> 2 Primer             20.6
#> 3 25X RT-PCR Enzyme  16.5
#> 4 Nuclease Free H2O 103. 
#> $sample_prep
#> # A tibble: 8 x 7
#>   sample    conc dilution_factor diluted_concentr~ diluted_rna_to_~ water_to_add
#>   <chr>    <dbl>           <int>             <dbl>            <dbl>        <dbl>
#> 1 24hr_DM~ 127.                1             127.              1.18         28.8
#> 2 48hr_DM~  93                 1              93               1.61         28.4
#> 3 24hr_1u~ 143.                1             143.              1.05         29.0
#> 4 48hr_1u~  67.1               1              67.1             2.24         27.8
#> 5 24hr_DM~  88.3               1              88.3             1.70         28.3
#> 6 48hr_DM~ 124.                1             124.              1.21         28.8
#> 7 24hr_1u~  94.2               1              94.2             1.59         28.4
#> 8 48hr_1u~  80.2               1              80.2             1.87         28.1
#> # ... with 1 more variable: final_vol <dbl>
#> $plate
#> # A tibble: 384 x 10
#> # Groups:   primer [4]
#>    primer sample col   row   lane_v lane_h available_well sample_name
#>    <fct>  <fct>  <fct> <fct>  <int>  <int> <lgl>          <chr>      
#>  1 1      1      2     b          1      1 TRUE           NA         
#>  2 1      1      3     b          1      1 TRUE           24hr_DMSO_1
#>  3 1      1      4     b          1      1 TRUE           NA         
#>  4 1      2      2     c          1      1 TRUE           NA         
#>  5 1      2      3     c          1      1 TRUE           48hr_DMSO_1
#>  6 1      2      4     c          1      1 TRUE           NA         
#>  7 1      3      2     d          1      1 TRUE           NA         
#>  8 1      3      3     d          1      1 TRUE           24hr_1uM_1 
#>  9 1      3      4     d          1      1 TRUE           NA         
#> 10 1      4      2     e          1      1 TRUE           NA         
#> # ... with 374 more rows, and 2 more variables: plotting_name <chr>,
#> #   primer_name <chr>
#> $n_primers
#> [1] 3
#> $format
#> [1] "384"
#> $exclude_border
#> [1] TRUE
#> $primer_names