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Tidy a nanodrop object


# S3 method for nanodrop
tidy_lab(x, force_tidy = FALSE, ...)



A nanodrop object to tidy


logical. Should the tidying take place, even if the is_tidy attribute is TRUE?




a nanodrop object


This function:

  • renames columns to sensible substitutes

  • converts date-times to ISO 8601-esque date-time format (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS vs YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ)

It's recommended that you do any manipulations to these data after you tidy, rather than before, as tidy_nanodrop expects the output to be fairly similar to the output from read_nanodrop.

A tidy nanodrop object will (usually) contain the following columns:

  • date The date-time of sample reading, as YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS

  • sample_name The name of the sample provided by the NanoDrop itself

  • conc The concentration of nucleic acid in ng/uL

  • a260_280 The absorbance at 260nm / absorbance at 280nm. Typically a marker of protein contamination. Pure nucleic acid is typically around 2.

  • a260_230 The absorbance at 260nm / absorbance at 230nm. Typically a marker of guanadine salt contamination. Pure nucleic acid is typically around 2.

  • a260 The absorbance at 260nm, the wavelength nucleic acids absorb most strongly.

  • a280 The absorbance at 280nm, the wavelength proteins absorb most strongly.

The remaining columns are typically unused.