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Make a nanodrop object


incucyte(data, platemap)



a data.frame - or something coercible to one - containing nanodrop data. See details for requirements.


an optional character vector or something coercible to a Date object with lubridate::as_date


a character vector to specifying the analyte in the nanodrop experiment. Must match one of the following: RNA, DNA, dsDNA, or dsRNA.


logical. Is the supplied data tidy?


an incucyte object


Making a nanodrop object 'by hand' (that is, not using read_nanodrop) is not recommended, since it is challenging to ensure a given data.frame is truly a valid nanodrop file. To increase reliability, flexibility is reduced. As such, the supplied data.frame must at least have the following columns if is_tidy = TRUE:

  • date

  • sample_name

  • conc

  • a260_280

  • a230_280

If is_tidy = FALSE, at least the following columns must be provided:

  • Date

  • Sample.Name


  • A260.A280

  • A260.A230

Note: technically, the given column names will be stripped of all non-alphanumerics and forced tolower, then compared against the following:

  • date

  • samplename

  • nucleicacidngul

  • a260a280

  • a260a230

In both cases, other columns allowed are those that appear in Example A and Example B below.

If there are additional columns provided, they will be silently dropped.